Thursday, April 29, 2010

Club Penguin Medieval Party 2010 In Construction

Hey penguins, well the tittle above says it all... The 2010 Medieval Party is arriving, and now in construction. So I decided I should take pictures. Heres the order I took them in, and to let you all know, most of them look the see as last years!

Alright first we have the Town. Here is what it looks like
I like it. You really can't tell what it will look like. But, penguins have been waddling over on the board ladder and having some fun!

Next I have the Snow Forts. Now, I think this will be a fun activity, because at the bottom looks like a ship and heres a picture for you.
See? Looks pretty excited!

Okay good. For our third epic construction area, is the Plaza. Now this is probably a country Medieval Event. Why I say that? This is because there is a hay stack, and a puffle sign! Take a look-

See my point? Haha, now lets waddle over somewhere else pretty epic!

Now lastly we have the lighthouse. Okay, notice this. There are crystals coming out of the ground, just like last years party. More than likely this will happen again.
See? Want to view last years party, click here.

Pretty all are epic. Hopefully you will be looking forward to this years party. Come back here for the latest updates. Also, don't forget to comment us telling us, what will be different about this years party, from last year's party! Anything?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Club Penguin You Decide - Party Item!

Hello Penguins!

The team's doing some planning for the next few months and there's something coming up that we want your help with:

option1_alt option2_altoption3_alt

Can you help decide? Click beside the one you'd

like to see the most and leave your comments!

Until then... Waddle on!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Club Penguin Mission 11 Release Date

Hello Penguins!

April is coming to a close, and a new month with new events and surprises is coming up. One of the biggest upcoming events is the long-awaited release of the new mission!

The new mission launches at the end of May. The team recommends that agents go through past missions to prepare their skills.

They also suggest that anyone who isn't an agent to consider joining the PSA. You won't want to miss this.

Well, thats the newest Reviewed By You! You can read the full coverage by clicking here

There's also some rumors Gary and Agent Dots are around the island. I hope these rumors are true, because I also here after the game is released, Herbert will be traveling around the island!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Club Penguin Herbert's Revenge Trailer Nintendo DS Game Sneak Peak

Hey penguins! Well, there's a trailer for 'Club Penguin Elite Force: Herberts Revenge' game trailer! Here is the case

Now, take a look at the trailer-
What do you think about the trailer? Leave your comment telling us your thoughts about what else is coming in the game!

Club Penguin 9'' Limited Edition Penguin Plush Toys

Hey penguins, seems like yesterday, series 8 was just getting released. Now here's series 9!
Club Penguin 9'' Limited Edition Penguin Plush - FairyYour Club Penguin fan will enjoy our Fairy Penguin Plush. Comes with Disney Parks original foot patch. Includes a special coin that has a code which kids can use to Unlock Items Online at

Club Penguin 9'' Limited Edition Penguin Plush - Shadow Guy

Club Penguin 9'' Limited Edition Penguin Plush - Shadow GuyYour Club Penguin fan will love our Shadow Guy Penguin Plush. Comes with Disney Parks original foot patch. Includes a special coin that has a code which kids can use to Unlock Items Online at

Club Penguin 9'' Limited Edition Penguin Plush - Explorer
Club Penguin 9'' Limited Edition Penguin Plush - Explorer Your Club Penguin fan will enjoy exploring with our Explorer Penguin Plush wearing Pith Helmet. Comes with Disney Parks original foot patch. Includes a special coin that has a code which kids can use to Unlock Items Online at

Pretty cool. More expected to arrive sooner then later! Here's how to purchase these items so far-
Waddle on penguins!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Club Penguin/ The Club Penguin Podcast!

Haha, you know it penguins, as the title above, it's the ''E&K Club Penguin Podcast''. As you know, tons of episodes with the latest: Club Penguin cheats, secrets, guides, and interviews. Not to mention the entertainment. Here is there info about the Podcast episodes-
Podcast Info-
Welcome to Eunes and Kfpm's Club Penguin Podcast! We love Club Penguin, we are here to give you the latest exclusives, and cheats! Be sure to tune in every week for a new Podcast full of fun! Hope to see you waddling around Club Penguin someday! We have interviews with famous penguins, and fans, and we will show our feelings on the new updates, and upcoming events on Club Penguin.

Looks pretty cool. Want to download it? Here's how-
Good luck to you Kfpm and Eunes!
Waddle on!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Club Penguin New Pin/Leaf Pin

Hey penguins! Here's how to find the new pin.
1. Open your map, and head to the mountain/ski hill.
2. Go click on the 'Leaf Pin'

Enjoy penguins!

Club Penguin Earth Day Scavenger Hunt Items!

Hey penguins!
First item is located at the Mine Shack! 'The barrel.

Very good.
Now, head over to the pet shop. Lower left corner!

Once you completed that, go to the forest.
In the tree's you will spot a newspaper. Click it twice.

Your doing well! Now, go to the coffee shop. Go to the right, and on top will be a tree. Click the cup on it.

Once you have done that, go to the book room. Click the upper book.

Not many more to go. Now, go to the cove.
To the bottom you should see a bucket of barrel. Click it.

Almost done! Now, go to the snow village. Put your mouse over the snow sport sleds.

Great! Now lastly, go to the dojo courtyard. Here is your item.

Once you win, you will receive a pin!
Enjoy the items! Waddle on

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Club Penguin New Post Card Feature

Hello penguins. For the upcoming Earth Day Party, Club Penguin wanted to release something cool. The new post card recycle feature!!! It's is actually pretty cool. Take a look-

I like it! Login into Club Penguin and take a look for your self!
Waddle On.
Monday, April 19, 2010

Earth Day Sneak Peek/ Reviewed By You

Yo penguins! Club Penguin just now gave us a sneak peek of the upcoming Earth Day celebration party! This earth day is going to be FANTASTIC!
Want the sneak peek? Here it is-

Pretty rocking right? Hopefully, this party will be as good as it looks!

Club Penguin Series 8 Treasure Book Secrets

Hey penguins! Recently, I showed you an exclusive of the Series 8 Plush Toys. Well now, the Treasure Book, series 8, is released! Here are the secrets.

1st: Go to the 2nd page.
2: Click the 'dot' thats located on the orange shirt.

Now to find the pink mask!
1st: Go on the 4th page of the book.
2nd: Click the bottom, lower left tree.

Want to find the blonde wig?
1st: Go on the 7th page of this book.
2nd: Click the red ''pole'' in the middle.

Now the safari costume secrets-
1st: Go to the 9th page.
2nd: Click the right 'horn' on the dragon.

Lastly, the referee outfit/costume.
1st: Go to the 10th page.
2nd: Click the blue cheerleaders, left, pompom!

These are all pretty cool. Comment below on what secret item you like best!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Teenville Weekly Post!

Hey guys! Most of you have so called hearing 'rumors' and calling this game 'Teenville'. Well it's not. Trust me, I have tested it, and I'm moderator!

About The Game: Teenville is a virtual world/game created by kids. Well the kids are 12-14 years old. Luckily, the game is kept safe by moderators.
Walking around, meeting new friends, and contests are great ways interacting with the game!

Moderator Jobs: The main moderator jobs is keeping the safe, and helping players out.

Teenville Networks- Blog; Beta Test; Fourm

Teenville is now pre-pre-beta testing. Only staff members can test SO FAR! Hopefully, very soon, anybody will. Server actions will be also taken.

Club Penguin Series 8 Plush Toys

Hello penguins. Tons of stores have been releasing the Club Penguin Series 8 Plush Toys so heres a picture of them.
  • Get into the coolest club around!
  • Based on the hugely popular online game, Club Penguin!
  • Adorable, cuddly plush!
  • Click Here To Purchase This Item

  • Club Penguin Earth Day Exclusive Sneak Peek's

    Hi penguins. As known, April 22nd is the Earth Day celebration party! Club Penguin will be celebrating the thanks, and keeping the earth green, and recycling as having this party. Well, recently, I have located some exclusive pictures.
    1ST: This tree might just be for the Earth Day celebration party.

    Why do I say, this tree must be in the Earth Day party? Well I also found this exclusive picture, that is the Earth Day party, located at the Mine Shack.

    See the tree in the background. It looks the same as the first picture above! I wonder if that might be a mini-game for the Earth Day party? Or maybe even something else.
    Drop us a comment and tell us what you think about these exclusives, and what you look forward to, in the Earth Day celebration Party!
    Thursday, April 15, 2010

    Club Penguin Mine Shack in progress...

    Hello penguins. Did you notice, the Mine Shack is in progress of something huge... Well, it's the Earth Day celebration party! Here is a look-

    Club Penguin really have some big things planned for this upcoming event! As for, have you saw there exclusive ''Herbert's Revenge'' pictures for the game? I'm hoping it will have something to do, with this Earth Day celebration.

    Club Penguin Igloo Furniture Secrets

    Hey penguins! Here are all the secrets in the catalog-
    Go to the first page,
    1st: Click the middle of the book-case.

    1. Go to the 1st page of the Better Igloos catalog.
    2. Click on the hooks in the top right page

    Now, go to the 2nd page.
    1st: Click the green top of the vase.

    These are just flat out AMAZING!!!
    Haha, hope you enjoy them..

    Wednesday, April 14, 2010

    Club Penguin Mission 2 Guide - G's Secret Mission

    1: Go to Gary's Sport Shop
    2: Speak/Click on him.

    2: Go to the Mountain.
    3: There should be a word code onto there. Using your code table below, remember the number code.
    NOTE: Better to write the number word down.
    OTHER NOTE:The code is different for different users ALL times.

    4: Go back to the Sports Shop. Ask Gary for the secret items, and give him your word.

    5: Now you should be able to access to his sled. He will set a sled out. Accept the sled.

    6: Head to the Mountain. Insert the sled onto the hill, out of the inventory, and sled down the hill.
    7: Now, sled down the hill, and you MUST crash!

    8: You shall awaken in the mysterious woods. Put the Rope and Survival guide book into your inventory.

    9: Now go to the bush.

    10: Now collect 3 O-Berries and head back toward the stump.
    11: All the Puffles should run but one. Feed the black puffle and he shall follow you.
    12: Go back to the O-Berry bush and turn right. You should see something in a tree. Click it about 3 times, and put it into your inventory.

    13: Now, head back once again to the tree stump. Turn toward the 'left'. Go to the tree and stump place.
    14: You should see a ski into a bush. Take it out and put it into your inventory. Now put the rope and ski and a berry together! It should make a Fishing Rod...
    15: Now go back to the O-Berry and go to your left. See the lake? Head towards it.

    16: Turn a little to your right. Collect the log into and put it into your inventory.

    17: Select your Pot out of your inventory, and turn FAR left as it will go. Fill it up with water.

    18: At the river, select your rod, with the bait/O-Berries on it, and catch a fish. To do this, click the water.

    19: Once you've caught your fish, put you Rod first in your inventory and then your fish.
    20: Turn to your right, and head into cave. Click the rocks together, then they should form a circle, around the middle hole. Now insert your log onto the hole.
    21: Once you have did that, put the survival guide book in the fire.

    22: Now, you should have 2 berries. Feed one to him around the log, and it will start a fire.
    23: Place the Pot with water on the fire. Now, click it. You should drink it.

    24: You will now fall asleep.
    25: Now you shall awaken. Head outside the cave and receive your medal.

    You have now completed this mission. All you have to do from here is just speak to them quickly! Congratulations!!!