Thursday, May 27, 2010

Club Penguin Elite Penguin Force Guide

Here is how to complete this game!

1. Click on your spy phone and click ''Go There''.

2. You will now be in a room. They will ask you to complete certain agent questions, and here's how to complete them.
3. The telephone will ring. Go and click on it and a red target should appear.
4. Throw a snowball at the red target.

5. Now run to the green square once it asks you to.. Once you've done that, run quickly to the red one.
6. Now it will ask you to hide from the camera. Hide right under the camera so it wont' find you.

7. Now it will ask you to hide in the blue square trap cage. DO NOT hide in there.
8. Now once you have completed that, an elevator, some-what door will open! Walk to it.

9. You have now succeed the Elite Penguin Force Mission! You now will have your very own, EPF Phone.

The following list shows what all of the Elite Spy Phone tools do:

  • Teleport: Allows you to instantly go to any room on Club Penguin.
  • Recruit: Provides details that you can send a postcard to get new agents.
  • Elite Puffle Whistle: Members with the whistle can call an exclusive Elite Puffle at any time.


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