Club Penguin Become A Secret Agent

Want to learn how to become a”Secret Agent”? Well follow these tips!
  1. Log on Club Penguin and enter a room.
  2. Click the”M”on the top right.
After you have completed that,click”Become A Secret Agent”
Next,simply feel out these questions and awnsers!
  • Are you ready to become a Secret Agent? (Yes)
  • Pick one quality that you think a Secret Agent should have. (Honest)
  • Pick the correct reason to report a penguin to a moderator. (Being mean or rude)
  • What would you do if you saw a penguin breaking the rules? (Report them)
  • What type of personal information should be reported? (Saying their address)
  • Pick one reason you want to be a Secret Agent. (I want to keep Club Penguin safe)
  • Pick another reason you want to be a Secret Agent. (I want to help other penguins)
Thats all! Once you complete these tips,you are a”Secret Agent”. Good luck keep Club Penguin safe and being a safe,fun agent.