Monday, May 17, 2010

Club Penguin Mission 11 Guide- The Veggie Villain

Hey penguins! Mission 11 is here. Here is the full guide-

1. Go and launch the mission in the HQ.
2. Head over and click to Gary, and talk to him.

3. Go to the gift shop to find Rookie and Jet Pack Guy.
4. To get there, go to the Town, and enter the Gift Shop.

5. Go over and speak to Rookie.
6. Once you've spoken to him, go upstairs and talk to Jet Pack Guy.
7. Go under the desk, and pick up the crumbs into your inventory.

8. Once you've done that, your HQ phone should ring. Click on it.
9. Gary wants you in the HQ. Head there as quickly as possible!

10. The phone signal is broken. You can not get into the HQ. So now go to the beacon and speak to the construction man.

11. Now you need to help him find something. Go to the lighthouse, and pick up the round can, the disk, and a spray water bottle, and put it in your inventory.

12. Go back up and give the CAN to the Construction man.
13. Now go to the dock and fill it up with water and put it into your inventory.

14. Go back and give it to the construction man. He says it needs to be frozen with ice.
15. Now go to the HQ. Go to the Gadget Room and freeze the can. Don't forget to pull the switch first.

16. Pull the switch once again, and put the ice into your inventory.
17. Now give it to the construction man. Pick up the lens after that.

18. Go to the ski village. Speak to Herbert and the rest of the penguins.
19. After that, talk to the brown penguin. He brakes his glasses. Give him the lens.
20. Now, that you already collected you disk from the Lighthouse.
21. Click on the projector now.

21. Put the cleaner on top of the disk. It should clean it.
22. Now put the disk in the projector. Close it.
23. Get your HQ phone out, and get the wrench out.

24. Now click on the green!
25. You have to crack-the-code now. Wrong Color Is Red; Yellow- Right Color Wrong Location; Green- Right Color Right Location

26. Go to the Mine Shack!
27. Head into the secret garden!

28. Follow the pop-corn trail until you get to the paper and put it into your inventory.
29. Go to the left. Keep going through trails, and collect all the papers!
30. Look for signs to help you complete the trail. If you mess up, turn around, and try the next one.

31. Then you will be at the river. Go across it. To go across it, go to the Mine. Start from the start of the maze and follow the footprints! You will receive a plank of wood.
32. Go back to the river. Get your Plank of wood out, and cross the river.

33. Once you've crossed it you will see a ladder. Get your rocks out and put it on top of the ladder. Now climb it.
34. Now pull his cord on his computer to shut it off.

35. You should now be returned to the HQ. Have the discussion with Agent and Rookie.
36. Herbert will show up on the computer screen. Speak with him.
37. You have to escape quickly! Now look for the way out, you must crack-the-code. The code is in the book shelf-

38. Click the orange book. A button will pop-out. Crack the code. For instructions, click help on the game.
39. Agent Dots will appear! She will transport you to the Ski Village.

Here are your rewards-

Thats the end of the mission! Thank you all for helping me with minor parts. You all rock!


Anonymous said...

An awesome guide, man. - Ninjinian

Ponytail 001 said...

Great post Pip, Keep up the good work! ;)

Dser123 said...

-gasps bcause of Shutdown to protect computer-
Awesome... -gasp- walkthrough -gasp-

Anonymous said...

oh yae and u can click the buttin on the snowglobe to revele a prize

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